MMU Closed Counter-Strike 1.6 Tournament Pictures
0 comments Posted by deevon at Monday, December 03, 2007Here are some of the images during the tournament, uploaded by CFC, the Event Director.
As usual, the lab was packed with participants waiting for their turns to play, and spectating the current matches that went on.
Team Gtac disccused on how to play against Team 0taidvn and his teammates, lawkills, palauboy and Noir of Team PoN! behind me is sleepy, and he was covering lomak who was sitting behind him.
Lawkills and Lomak of PoN! before the game lo3 started.
The one and only team with 5 foreign players in a team, DVS. Ranked no. 5-8 for the tournament.
Team ddM from Melaka campus. 3rd ranked in the tournament. These guys are nice especially Ferhan and Imran, they have good personalities but strict as the in-game leader. We had quite a nice conversation together. Good game boys. :D
Team 0tai with Badari ( right corner ) as the in-game leader. Sitting next to him onwards are Din and Kobe. Behind them are dmL and Zony.
Team JanjiRock. Their lineup players were the ones who conquered the Counter-Strike in Cyberjaya campus.
Team VisTa of Melaka campus.Mysterious godlike player with lighting fast hand and pro skillz :O
Photo session with event commitees, champion, first runner up, and deevon ( nk jugak aku sebut cheewahhh :P )
more pics can be viewed at
Good Game fellas!! GG!! GLHF for the upcoming event =D
Now you guy's can check your rank in the open server, press 'y' and type /rank. And also there are list of top 15 player in our server.Type /top15. Now we can see more than thousand player list up in our server. The most top fragger and also active player will be listed in the blog. Happy Gaming guy's....
As most of us had expected, Cyberjaya teams once again edged out Melaka teams and practically sent them back home with one of the team, ddM managed to put up quite a challenge and grabbed the 3rd rank of the tournament, and went back with RM100 prize money. Other Melaka teams like VisTa and S.N.K. didn't put up much of a challenge even against the good old classic Godlike players of MMU Cyberjaya, JanjiRock. Though their skills were rusted due to lack of dedication towards the game, they still managed to gave a hard time to them as well as the newly formed young Cyberjaya team, Pirates of Nusantara, PoN! Everyone, except for a few cyberjaya players, including myself ( no offence ) expected ddM to win the tournament and I have to say that, they are the most overrated team for the tournament.
During the tournament, DVS was the most shocking team with the least expectation to play in the double elimination round. They almost beat S.N.K. and the game was dragged to overtime and in the end S.N.K. won the dust2 map 19-15. Black Mamba was DVS' core player as he clutched a few rounds against S.N.K. , killing at least 3 or 4 enemies per round.
Other teams like FeLt0N, B-2-9-9, and Gtac were eliminated in the group stage, but all eyes were concentrating on matches where the most overrated ddM, 0tai, the underrated Janjirock, wRjN and PoN! were involved. One of the most exciting game and my favourite was 0tai and ddM where dmL, 0tai's team leader, met his old partner kixer when they formed ATK Spirit together, in the winner's bracket first stage, de_nuke.
0tai completely dominated the CT round which was the first half of the game, and everyone had expected them to win the map already. But due to one of the 0tai's member lack of seriousness, when he wanted to knife the opposing team, ddM managed to pulled off and dragged the game for an overtime, though dmL showed some of his de_nuke's wallbang shots and managed to scored a few frags for his shots. Overtime was then postponed to the next round because the PCs in the lab will auto shutdown by itself when the time ticks off over 6.00P.M. . 0tai had to walked over the overtime game against ddM due to Kobe's failure to present himself in the morning.
0tai and ddM had unfinished business and it was settled when 0tai beat ddM in de_inferno with the score 16-11. ddM's journey in the tournament was ended by wRjN, lead by existenZ ( better known as acad or kingdom ). They were shown some classic skills by wRjN and ddM had no other choice but to play at their best and still, they lost the de_nuke map with the final score 16-6, if I'm not mistaken.
0tai and wRjN played in the finals and both teams' strength were balanced. wRjN lost the first map, unfortunately in de_inferno with the score 14-16 against 0tai. The winner of the finals match had to be decided in de_dust2 where wRjN took the first half as Terrorist, and as expected, they dominated most of the rounds and the odds are much against 0tai because they had to catch up about 10 rounds during the second half of the map. The match were so tense and it almost dragged to overtime but Baa managed to pulled it off in a one on one situation and ended the game with wRjN's victory against 0tai with the score 16-14.
Much thanks to everyone especially to the marshalls and the participants for making this tournament a success.
Tournament standings :
Champion : wRjN ( we r juz noobiez )
Lineup - Baha, Acad, Peter, Ray, Heikal, Maxi ( 6th player )
First Runner up : 0tai
Lineup : dmL, Din, Kobe, Badari, Zony
Second Runner up : ddM
Lineup : Ferhan (kixer), Ah Wee, Atan, Imran, Watan ( pls correct me if im wrong )
4th Place : Pirate's of the Nusantara aka PoN!
Lineup - Lawkills, Palauboy, NoiR, Lomak, Ghost0, dvn ( 6th player but I played all the matches )
Good Game guys. Good Show marshalls. See u guys over at the next GDC Tournament!!!
Extra :
gg kixer :))) lolx no offense eh at least u got one of us back in the game and good lord it wasn't me :)))
click or larger image.
MMU Cyberjaya GDC LAN Games Closed Tournament
0 comments Posted by deevon at Wednesday, November 14, 2007
This competition will be a warm up for students for the upcoming open tournament which will be held most probably at the same venue. Some of the Malaysian's finest gamers will put up a challenge against the our university's players.
Be sure to join the tournament. Non players are welcome to spectate the event
In this week, we can see lots of new clan in the server. Great new's, the Ology clan now in Cyberjaya, they formally player's from Melaka campus. Not all of their player's here but some of our player join them. I hope u guys post your clan name so i can update in the new clan list that I will upload. Thank's for your co-operate. HAPPY GAMING GUY"S
At last, we have the winner. For the next photo will be upload. Congrate to eyhoalan to be the winner. For this coming trimester,the forum will be new and the first one will be upload is you.So, congratulation to you..hhhehehheheheh(^-^)
Selamat hari raya to all. This hari raya, I enjoy more then before because the celebration is after our final exam. hahaha... hope u guys can post some duit raya to me by post laju ....naa, just kidding. Hope to see u guys with a complete bodyparts(hope nobody lose thier finger or hand after playing firecrakers or mercun bola). ~~better then get shot in the head in the server..hahha.
We're currently ranking No.21 :0 4 ranking below Poland, a country currently represented by Pentagram G-Shock or better known as PGS Gaming.
It's like the FIFA ranking module. Check out the FAQ and the nations ranking rules.
And I'm suprised how did our country even managed to get 224.20 points :)))). Teams that have represented Malaysia in CS like Hybrid and FMJ have yet qualify group stages. ESWC? I don't know.
By the way, the latest update of this rank was last year June 28. I guess we've dropped now. Recently Hybrid we're beaten badly in group stages of WCG2007 at Seattle, USA by 68N-29E (or Roccat) Singapore's TitaNs and Thailand's NearlyGod. They couldn't field up their best 5 and represent the country at their fully best. I guess it was a misfortune for Hybrid after all, having a player who doesn't know how to play CS1.6 at all to replace Hybrid|rico, who got his visa denied. Plus, two of their key players, Sniggy and SynTaX joined FMJ for CGS Counter-Strike Source Pan Asia Qualification.
Maybe someone in MMU Cyberjaya is capable enough to represent our country, or at least, represent the uni =p lol.
this is one of the scene that will be added into the movie. I'm currently shorthanded. Plus, I don't have enough resources or great frag demos played by the server's powerhouse.
A big thanks to kingdom, who have sent me his team's demo, last semester's GDC Lan Tournament, CS1.6 event.
pls do contact me if u have good demos of yourself, preferably HLTV quality.
The very own server's frag movie and some actions will be created and posted up here. But currently I have a very limited source so I'd need to have more demos of pub players to play and hopefully I could get some nice frags and good clutches during matches.
New comer, omg| clan by Alpha Zero One FCM
2 comments Posted by Drift Republic at Monday, October 08, 2007The new comer in our server, omgclan now active training before facing the beta team today. Team clan members, Eyhoalan,mawi,bear,remy23 and TOK IMAM KANPUNG SETULANG GAJAH, competing with pak berg clan tonight. The match arrange by them self and pak berg clan. Hopefully the friendly tonight gonna be the place for them to show their talent and rise up the clan name. Good luck to all of omgclan for tonight match.
To all people out there, pls help our friend here, Samsul Majin a.k.a [dewa]Musang, he just lost his wallet yesterday. What made it very serious problem is his bus ticket for this coming holiday is inside the wallet. Now, the bus ticket is already sold out and he cannot find any replacement for it. So, for guys who found his wallet, please contect me a.s.a.p.
As usual, any CS player that already been capture by OUR PAPARAZI will be upload, hahah, just kidding. Still in the process of voting and keep on voting guys. View the topic here( this link is taken from the Cyber Tracker.
To all CS player, if you guys wanna post and share any photo can YM!
Welcome to all MMU counterStrike 1.6 freak, this will be the place to all of you to hear any update new's about all our player's and our server. I hope you guys enjoy read all the topics that I will post later. LIVE>LIVE>LIVE